Medical Concepts
The HUR Medical Concepts for preventive exercise, disease management and rehabilitation help professionals to provide the best practice of exercise as medicine based on the latest international treatment guidelines, with the help of HUR solutions and products. The concepts have their origin in research findings from all over the world. In addition, we have also included learnings from almost 30 years of feedback and best practice we have encountered working with research institutes, professionals and different organizations within these fields. Please familiarize yourself with the HUR Medical Concepts below.
Falls prevention
Approximately 30% of people over 65 years of age living in the community fall each year. Falls in care facilities and hospitals are common events that cause considerable morbidity and mortality for older adults. In addition, falls impose a significant social and economic burden for individuals, their families, community health services and the economy as well.
The HUR falls prevention concept helps the health care and rehabilitation professionals to provide the best practice of exercise as medicine based on the latest international preventive and treatment guidelines to regular weekly habitual physical activities and exercise training regimen. A large body of evidence supports the recommendation that balance -, strength -, gait -, and coordination training is effective in reducing falls, and therefore it should be included as part of a multi-component intervention to prevent falls in older persons and may be considered as a single intervention. In most scientific trials, the exercise program has been longer than 12 weeks (1–3 times per week) with variable intensity.
The HUR hypertension concept is designed to use strength training as a therapeutic modality in treatment of elevated blood pressure (BP) by using the HUR’s Natural Transmission method.
It is based on pneumatic technology, where resistance is adapted in accordance with the production of force, regardless of the speed of the movement. Intelligent technology system for automated reporting, zero starting load and 100g/1kg increments in resistance, range limiters and additional support with connected outcome measures to document the effectiveness, enables to start strength training safely when considering the individual treatment prescriptions e.g. appropriate medication. The HUR hypertension concept helps the rehabilitation professionals to provide the best practice of exercise as medicine based on the latest international treatment guidelines to promote patients with increased level of BP to regular weekly habitual physical activities and exercise training regimen.
Type 2 diabetes
All the international guidelines target to achieve and maintain optimal blood glucose, lipid and blood pressure levels to prevent or delay development of diabetic complications.
Along with diet, smoking cessation and medical treatment, exercise training and physical activity have shown as an important cornerstone in the treatment of T2D. The HUR type 2 diabetes (T2D) concept is designed to use strength training as a therapeutic modality in treatment of T2D by using the HUR’s Natural Transmission method. It is based on pneumatic technology, where resistance is adapted in accordance with the production of force, regardless of the speed of the movement. The intelligent technology system for automated reporting, zero starting load and 100g/1kg increments in resistance, range limiters and additional support with connected outcome measures to document the effectiveness, enable to start strength training safely when T2D patients are under appropriate medication.
Cardiac rehabilitation
CAD is a disease caused by plaque building up along the inner walls of the coronary arteries. Arteries becomes narrow and blood flow to the heart reduces causing ischemia.
CAD is strongly connected to lifestyle, especially the use of tobacco, unhealthy diet habits, physical inactivity, and psychosocial stress. The current guidelines for exercise training and physical activity in CAD shows that evidence for exercise training in CAD patients is at highest level in terms of both in recommendations and scientific justification stratification.The HUR cardiac rehabilitation concept helps the rehabilitation professionals to provide the best practice of exercise as medicine based on the latest international treatment guidelines to promote CAD patient to regular weekly habitual physical activities and exercise training regimen.
Hip and knee rehabilitation
Degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis is the most common chronic condition of the joints occurring most often in hips and knees.
Degenerative diseases of the joints have become the main reason for pain and therefore, decreased health related quality of life especially in senior population. Most knee injuries are a result of landing or planting in cutting or pivoting sports, with or without contact. Most serious athletes will require a surgery if the knee is instable when turning or planting aiming to return to sports. The effectiveness of exercise in hip and knee OA is well recognized to improve muscle function, preventing abnormal movement and restore normal biomechanics of hip and knee. In addition, it has been shown that strength training and weight reduction decrease the pain experience, regular medication use and prolong the time until total joint replacement. For access to the full exercise protocols please contact us at support@huraustralia.com.au