HUR Australia is exhibiting at The Nurses in Management – Aged Care (NIMAC) Conference and Trade Exhibition in Brisbane 20-22 June 2018
The Nurses in Mangement – Aged Care (NIMAC) Conference and Trade Exhibition 2018 will be NIMAC’s Grand Finale following 20 years of annual events.
This event will provide the opportunity for delegates to gather, network, learn, as well as visit the trade exhibition and speak with sponsors who provide relevant information on products and services.
NIMAC is enormously proud of what has been achieved over the past 21 plus years and believe it has left an indelible imprint on the industry. It has filled a void that catered to clinical staff and nurse managers, registered nurses and enrolled nurses. NIMAC has spoken to both Peak Associations to ensure that there will be ongoing professional development opportunities for our delegates.
PROGRAM – See full program here
REGISTRATION – Click here for registration
VENUE: Brisbane Royal International Convention Centre